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After The Beep     Officially Discombobulated©
The text running across my forehead....

Sunday, April 13, 2003


The Stag Weekend: High Points.

Mad drinks, like 'Brain Damage' and 'Purple Haze'.

The strip club. Oh yes. Lurvely lay-dees. I thought it was very impolite to say "no, I would not like a dance".

Visiting pubs across the city-in-question.

The Stag Weekend: Low Points.

Walking around the city-in-question. My feet still hurt.

The casino. Not interested in gambling, really, so a bit of a dull time had there.

The snoring of one of the people slumped under a blanket in the room a bunch of us had to bunk down in. Sounded like a colony of elephant seals revving big motorcycles. Unstoppable. I had to leave to escape it. Still haven't really slept yet today, in fact, since about five a.m.

The Stag Weekend: Final Assessment.

Good time had by all. Feet hurt. Snoring bad.

"Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance." - Unknown



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