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After The Beep     Officially Discombobulated©
The text running across my forehead....

Thursday, July 10, 2003


Past And Future

I received a letter from Cardiff University about it's alumni programme. This is where graduates can find out what everyone they knew when they were at Uni together is up to now, and find out about official or unofficial meet-ups and reunions. Sort of like Graduates Reunited.

Do I care? Not really. Those I knew then I can barely remember now. Not many of them made any impact on me, I think. And besides, it's really for people who used whatever they studied to actually get a job. I often comically refer to my degree in the inverse Rimmer sense; a BSc I call a bronze swimming certificate instead of the opposite for Arnie. 'Physics With Astronomy' has not been much use in my career as a too-lazy computer programmer.

And in one of those final steps on the path moments, we are finally having some estate agents (spit hiss) come round to value the house. The next step is looking for the new home... and moving out. All the fault of that may-acid-burn-out-his-eyeballs bastard of a stepfather I may well have mentioned before. A sad day. I like our house. I like being out in the middle of nowhere. Some might not like the idea of not having any close neighbours, but I like the quiet nights and the clear skies unaffected by streetlights.

And finally... Some changes to my job are in the offing.

[Incidentally, did you know that the phrase 'in the offing' has to do with ships? The offing is a part of the sea just offshore where sailing ships would be anchored to wait for crew and passengers. So if something is 'in the offing' it's just sort of anchored in sight but a little out of reach. Interesting, neh?]

The boss of our laughable two-man band of a business works down at that place I went to for a week + two days in May sometime. Our company, apparently, has "a chance of virtually taking over the running of the system" there. What does this mean? Me working down there a lot. Two days a week (Thursdays and Fridays) for three months to begin with, with the other three days working remote from the office. I get expenses paid, and travel expenses, and B&B costs. If it goes well and we get extended for another three months my wages go up another two k. Another three month extension adds another two k on. Oh, and I have to cover him again when he goes on holiday for two weeks in August/September.

Sound good? Here are my problems with this plan:

  • I don't want to go down there for two days a week

  • I don't want to lose my Wednesday evenings driving down there so I can be there at the proper time the next morning

  • I don't want to lose my Friday evenings driving back home

  • When do I get some fucking holidays? Who covers for me?

Oh, and I forgot this one:

  • I really, really can't be arsed

Unfortunately, I really feel like I've got a gun held against my head on this one. Do it... or the company gets it.

"All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind." - Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC)



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