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After The Beep     Officially Discombobulated©
The text running across my forehead....

Thursday, July 17, 2003


Stormy Weather

The weather (the world's most exciting topic of conversation) is getting quite unfriendly just now. Not satisfied with being very hot, it decides to start the mornings wih fog, of all things, and now it seems to think storms are a good idea. There are even severe flood warnings in some parts of the country.

But the oddest part of all this is the strange feeling of constriction I have had in my chest all week, just in the middle of my chest. It feels like a fist. It's obviously related to my almost non-existent asthma, since it feels the same. Or at least I think it does: I can't remember what that feels like because it's been so long since I had a real episode (which wasn't really all that much anyway), but my first thought when I felt it was it felt like asthma.

[actually, my first thought was that it was some kind of stress or anxiety relating to... something else, but it's not, of course]

My purely relieving, hardly ever been used inhaler provided no relief. And last night I got a bit of a headache too. Then I'm told that such things can be a response to air pressure and other things related to storms. See, we got back to the storms eventually, didn't we?

So anyway, that's what it is, apparently. Weird. Never had that before. Maybe it's because it's so DAMN hot too?

So I'm going to the doctor tomorrow, mostly because my inhaler cartridge is supposed to run out in September; since it was of no use it might need replacing. Even more entertainingly, I also go to see the dentist tomorrow morning as well. What fun.

Exciting news, eh?

"Barometer, n.: An ingenious instrument which indicates what kind of weather we are having." - Ambrose Bierce (1842 - 1914), The Devil's Dictionary



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