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After The Beep     Officially Discombobulated©
The text running across my forehead....

Friday, October 28, 2005


Friday Haiku

It took all week but
The system is back up and
Working again. Phew.


Friday, October 21, 2005


Friday Haiku

Computer problems
Are a pain when you don't quite
Understand what's wrong.

It won't be working
Until Monday, which ain't good.
Engineers come then.


Thursday, October 20, 2005


Big Trouble In Little Computer

My boss is on holiday. I am currently the entire IT department. The server with the all important software thing on that everyone uses to do their work had to be shut down for a short interval. I'm not sure I did it right. I can't get it to turn on and start up properly again.

This is not good.

"Incompetents invariably make trouble for people other than themselves." - Larry McMurtry (1936 - ), 'Lonesome Dove'


Friday, October 14, 2005


Friday Haiku

UK second week
For Serenity. I hope
It bucks lots more trends.




I noticed yesterday the air conditioning in the server room did not seem to be working. This tends to be a bad thing, since if it stops working the machines will seriously overheat. By the time I left, though, I had forgotten...

...and now, this morning, I get told they did indeed overheat and shut down. Or rather, break. Engineers will be sorting out the air con today, hopefully, and then we'll find out if the servers are okay or broken in some way.

Ummm... whoops.

"A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history, with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila." - Mitch Ratcliffe


Friday, October 07, 2005


Friday Haiku

Serenity did
Okay but not great in the
US. Not so good.

Now it's our turn in
The UK to give it the
Boost it really needs.

That and the second
Weekend in the US may
Give us some sequels.
