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After The Beep     Officially Discombobulated©
The text running across my forehead....

Monday, November 28, 2005


Irritability III

I did the apology thing.


I'm managing to resist the urge to feel stupid. That makes quite a change.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)


Saturday, November 26, 2005


Irritability II

Since I am, apparently, utterly in the wrong, I am being forced to apologise, for the sake of my mother's social standing in the village, basically.

I have yet to agree. And I don't want to. I don't care enough about them to worry about it for myself.


"Bollocks" - me, about five seconds ago


Friday, November 25, 2005


Friday Haiku

Last weekend I was
At the Serenity Squared
convention. Great fun!

There were queues, and guests,
Parties, new friends and old, and
Stories aplenty.

Then I went to watch
Wrestling. Smackdown! Woo!

I'm new to it, took
A friend there for her birthday.
No 'Taker. Great shame.




I've mentioned before how I can get irritated at the slightest thing, usually out of proportion to the thing itself. But not for very long... unless something else irritates me some more. Then it keeps going.

Attempting to get back home this afternoon seemed like a trial from some higher power. Everywhere I went, there were slow cars, buses and tractors blocking my way. Then there were roadworks with traffic lights, with a big queue which mostly seemed to be the fault of a bus. Any time I tried to get around it I encountered more slow vehicles holding me up. Needless to say, I got a mite tetchy.

Now, at home I can't park by the house. There's no drive, no real place to park on the road. The small open area in front of the house is used by other people and my mother; there is space for four cars, and no more. All those spaces are filled. So I have to park in the pub carpark, which is only a hundred yards away, so it's not that bad.

When I got home, the carpark was almost full, and, well, after I had a bit of a childish tantrum (very pissed off) I parked rather badly. For some reason, the owner of the pub was standing around outside, and took perhaps understandable exception to the way I had parked.

I can only imagine that he had been having a very bad day himself, because he seemed to take my behaviour (it was of the non-conversational, glowering and walking off variety) and the fact that I park there very personally, yelling about how I had been there eighteen months and never said a word (i.e. not gone into his pub and spent any money), blah blah blah. I wasn't very polite to him, either, but still in the non-talking, walking off way. So he called me an "insolent little cunt" and banned me from parking in that carpark again.

I don't take part in the oh so exciting social life of this little village. I've been in the pub twice, and it's an old man's village pub. Not interested.

I wonder what had happened to put the guy in that bad a mood.

So now I have four parking options. Make my mother park in the pub carpark when I'm home; force someone else to do so by taking up their spot; park on the side of the road and risk my car being trashed by one of the many huge lorries that go by day and fucking night; or park in that carpark anyway and see what jollity comes next.

Oh, and if that guy had come knocking on our door afterwards, I'd be locked up in the local police station now. I was ready to do murder, I tell ya.

"Speak when you are angry - and you will make the best speech you'll ever regret." - Laurence J. Peter (1919 - 1988)


Thursday, November 24, 2005


Been A While

It really has, hasn't it? Either I've not been in the mood, or I've been busy. I've just got back online tonight after almost five days away. I might tell you some or all of what I've been up to, I might not. But first, a quote that is utterly true.

{quote excised}


Saturday, November 12, 2005


Busy Being Grumpy



Thursday, November 10, 2005


Man Flu

I thought I had a cold. Then I thought I had "flu", which is basically just a bad cold. Now it's definitely flu. Blocked nose, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, slight headache, general 'bad' feeling.

Some would say it's just man flu, and maybe they're right. Certainly men react to illness differently from women, but then men and women are different, right? All kinds of reasons why that should be the case. And it's not like I'm staying in bed, all wimpy and pathetic. Even after a night of little sleep I got up at the usual time and am now here at work as normal. Sure, I'm complaining, but that's normal when you're ill.

I doubt I'm helping my "I'm not being pathetic with man flu" case, but who cares. No one can doubt that I am actually ill. How ill I am is a relative issue; maybe I've not got it as bad as some, but that's true for anything.

I'm rambling. So that's not changed at least.

"Uuuurghhh...." - Me, waking up this morning


Friday, November 04, 2005


Friday Haiku

Power problems all
Week at work. Not a lot more
Else going on. Bah.


Thursday, November 03, 2005



Things have settled down at work now, other than the fact that the power supply is still very dodgy. It keeps tripping out, which seems to happen every night at different times, which is a problem at weekends when there's no one to turn it all back on. Annoys the people doing overtime no end. But it's not my problem. Which is nice.

The weather's pretty crappy though. That's a settled/unsettled connection there. Groovy.

"Don't knock the weather. If it didn't change once in a while, nine out of ten people couldn't start a conversation." - Kin Hubbard (1868 - 1930)
